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Pascale Lavache Signature

Mon blogue / My Blog

The letter C

So the other day, I received a message on FB. A friend wrote to me to tell me that she had some bad news to share but she wanted me to call her.

Reading this message gave me heart palpitations. I told myself that the only reason she would have to contact me this way would be to announce someone’s DEATH.

But who? How? Why? I didn’t receive any other messages or calls, so I said ok, let me go check out FB. Since we have a lot of friends in common, there’s bound to be a bit more information. But nothing…

Do I ask her what’s going on? I decided this news doesn’t belong to me, so I waited. Finally, I answer her:

“Send me your cell, I’ll call you later.”

Since I don’t see an immediate response, I come to the conclusion that it might not be that important after all.

Boy! I never would have imagined the bomb she dropped during our conversation.

I’ll describe the scene: I came home from work, did the dishes and made lunch, whipped up dinner, called my internet provider, fed Mr. Man, took my shower and then, finally, I sat in front of my plate. Since I was sure by then that what she had to tell me was minor, and considering that we had been playing phone tag for two days, I chose that moment to call her.

And got hit by a ton of bricks.

Breast CANCER, stage 3, chemotherapy, an upcoming mastectomy and reconstruction.

I held back my tears.

So young, why? How do you feel? Do you need something? When do you start chemo? Tomorrow, she answers. So soon but so far at the same time, knowing the long journey that awaits her.

At this precise moment, I realize that my life is beautiful, full of challenges which are all surmountable. That, despite the simplicity of life and the speed with which it moves forward, we must create the extraordinary from the ordinary, that we must share the joy and the love that we have with the people who surround us.

Don’t wait to receive news of this magnitude to live, to do activities, to make the most of what you have, to forget about what you don’t have-- or think you don’t have.

Dare, my loves!

I don’t consider myself a spokesperson for this cause or even an activist, but I felt a certain obligation to speak about it with you wonderful readers.

Breast cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Canada. Please, my darlings, be vigilant, listen, observe and love your bodies.

It’s your best friend, take care of it.


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